Harley's Rules for phone messages...
1.) Keep it simple. Just the essential information please.
2.) Leave your number twice, once at the beginning of you message, and again at the end.
3.) Speak more slowly than usual. Especially if this is your first contact with the person you are calling. Otherwise, your listener might wonder why you want to talk about your felicias when you are calling from a company that handles internet stuff.
example: "HimynameisJaneSmithI'mcallingfrominternalcompanywehandleVOIPandpandasandallsortsofotherthingsthatI willtellyouaboutrightnowandIwasreferredbyinmiricompanypleasecallmeat8005551289sowecandiscussourfelicias"
example: "Hi. My name is Jane Smith. I'm calling from Internet Company. My number is 800-555-1289. I was referred to you by Another Company because we provide VOIP services. Please give me a call and we can discuss our options. My name again is Jane Smith and I can be reached at 800-555-1289."
See. Not so hard is it?
Thank you, and have a nice day.
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